Manufacturer: Eppendorf New Brunswick
Model: Bioflo 110
Two 14-litre bioreactors with a 10-litre working volume...
Molecular biology
Industrial bioprecesses
Analytical Chemistry
Membrane filtration
Manufacturer: Eppendorf New Brunswick Model: Bioflo 115 Features A 2.4 L bioreactor with a 2-litre working volume...
Manufacturer: Dominion & Grimm Environnement Model: Custom Features Two 300-litre digesters with an effective working volume...
Manufacturer: Custom Model: Custom Features One 4 500-litre digester with an effective working volume of 4 000 L...
Manufacturer: CNETE Model: Custom Features Six 7-litre digesters, with an effective working volume of 5 L...
Manufacturer: Solaris Biotechnology Model: SBI 700 Features A 700-litre bioreactor with a 500-litre working volume Tanks...
Manufacturer: Shel Lab (Sheldon MFG Inc.) Model: BACTRON II Features Capacity to incubate 200 petri dishes...
Manufacturer: Perkin Elmer Model: AAnalyst 700 Examples of applications Determining the dosage of heavy metals in...
Manufacturer : Steris Model : Amsco Lab 250 Features Equipment and supplies sterilization by saturated steam...
Manufacturer: Mettler Toledo Model: InMotionFLex T5 (Titrator)/ V30S (Karl Fisher) Features Automated titrator: Automation of titration sequences...
Manufacturer: Agilent Model: G2939B Features Automated electrophoresis system for DNA, RNA, and protein samples Sizing, quantitation,...
Manufacturer: Custom Model: Custom Features 60 bottles available, made of Borosilicate Duran® Schott glass Liquid volume...
Fabriquant : Solaris Biotechnology Modèle : SBS 40 Caractéristiques Bioréacteur de 40 L avec 30 L de volume...
Manufacturer: Beckman Coulter Model: P/ACE MDQ Examples of applications Analysis of inorganic anion and cation in...
Manufacturer: Bio Rad Model: Universal Hood II Features Gel Doc XR+ system allowing for high-resolution viewing...
Manufacturer: Netzsch Model: DSC214 Polyma Features Measures energy loss and gain differentials in temperatures ranging between...
Manufacturer: Virtis SP Scientific Model: VirTual 50 L Features Liquid freeze-drying in order to obtain a...
Manufacturer: Esperanto Environnement Model: Custom Features Electrolysis and electrodialysis pilot system equipped with three 1-litre tanks...
Manufacturer: Eppendorf Model: Multiporator Features SoftPulse technology, with pulse in the µsecond (µs) range Possible voltage...
Manufacturer: Eppendorf New-Brunswick Model: Bioflo 115 Features Five 1.3-litre bioreactors with a 1-litre working volume Tanks...
Manufacturer: Esperanto Environnement Model: Custom Features Processing volume: 1 to 4 L Operating pressure up to...
Manufacturer: Phipps & bird Model: Features Enables the simultaneous testing of several flocculation / pre-filtration conditions
Manufacturer: PANalytical Model: Epsilon3x Features Energy dispersive (EDXRF) latest technology High resolution silicon drift detector (SDD)...
Manufacturer: Varian Model: Cary Eclipse Examples of applications Determining vitamin and quinine dosage in liquid fractions...
Manufacturer: Thermo Model: Nicolet IS5 Features Forthcoming
Manufacturer: Perkin Elmer Model: Spectrum Features Gas and biogas qualitative and quantitative analyses Analyses in batch...
Manufacturer: Agilent Model: MicroGC 490 Features Quantitative and semi-quantitative analyses of solvents and volatile organic compounds...
Manufacturer: Varian Model: CP 3800 Features Quantitative gas analyses Simultaneous analysis (N2, O2, H2, CO2, CH4)...
Manufacturer: Agilent Model: 7890B Features HeadSpace PAL-RSI autosampler Samples Thermally stable volatile and semi-volatile samples Examples of applications...
Manufacturer: Eppendorf Model: Realplex4, Vapoprotect, and Mastercycler Features Block and lids with a capacity for very...
Manufacturer: Fritsch Model: 19.5720/021704 Features Input material size reduction and sample preparation
Manufacturer: Porometer (Allemagne) Model: HTGS 1000 Examples of applications Separating and concentrating metal nanoparticles
High-performance liquid chromatograph with an ELSD detector (Electrospray Light Scattering Detector)Manufacturer: Agilent Model: 1290 Infinity II Features Organic biomolecule quantitative analyses (sugars, acids, polymers, etc.) Simultaneous...
High-performance liquid chromatography (2 units, one of which is equipped with a fraction collector)Manufacturer: Agilent Technologies Model: 1260 Infinity Features Organic biomolecule quantitative analyses (sugars, acids, polymers, etc.) Simultaneous...
Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific Model: UPLC Dionex Ultimate 3000 MS LTQ XL Features Quantitative and semi-quantitative analyses...
Manufacturer: Infors Model: Labfors5 Features A 5-litre digester with autonomous programming for anaerobic digestion
Manufacturer: Thermo Scientific Model: Dionex ICS-1600 Features Quantitative analyses of ions Simultaneous analysis (negative ions: F-,...
Manufacturer: Foss Model: Kjeltec 8200 Features Analysis of total and ammonia nitrogen in liquid and semi-liquid...
Manufacturer: Labconco Model: Freezone 2.5 Samples Liquids (that can be frozen) Dehydrated food, milk, probiotics Bacteria,...
Manufacturer: Branson Model: Digital sonifier 450 Features Cooling chamber at 4°C Examples of applications Lysis of bioreactor-cultivated...
Manufacturer: Avestin Inc. Model: C5 Features Refrigerated chamber at 4°C Examples of applications Lysis of bioreactor-cultured microbial...
Manufacturer: Yamato Model: ADL311S-A Features Treatment of water soluble samples Evaporated water amount of 1300 mL/L...
Manufacturer: Leica Model: ACE 200 Features Prepares conductive samples for viewing using electron microscopy
Manufacturer: BMG LABTECH Model: BMG FLUOstar OPTIMA Features Microplate reader measuring absorbance, fluorescence, and luminescence Incubation...
Manufacturer: Malvern Instruments Model: LM-14C Features Measures nanoparticle distribution and concentration
Manufacturer: ZEISS Model: Axio Lab A1 and Stemi 200 Examples of applications Conventional microscopy with HD...
Manufacturer: INFORS and New-Brunswick Model: Multitron pro and Innova 44R Examples of applications Preliminary and fermentation...
Manufacturer: Yamato Model: DL410 Features Spray-drying of liquid samples in order to obtain a solid powder...
Manufacturer: Esperanto Environnement Model: Custom Features Filtration system with three ceramic membrane chambers measuring 110 cm in...
Manufacturer: Zeiss Model: EVO MA10 Features Magnification from 20X to 50 000X (under optimal conditions) Resolution...
Manufacturer: Custom (Manufactured by CNETE) Model: Custom (Manufactured by CNETE) Features Forthcoming
Fabriquant : Perkin Elmer Modèle : Optima 4300 DV Caractéristiques Analyses quantitatives et semi-quantitatives des éléments inorganiques Limite...
Manufacturer: H2O Innovation Model: Econox Features Pumps with a capacity of 12 to 20 gallons per...
Information à venir.
Manufacturer: Linseis (Germany) Model: Custom Features Furnace with a temperature range of up to 1 100 °C and...
Manufacturer: Virtis SP Scientific Model: Virtis Unitop 600 L Samples Liquids (that can be frozen) Dehydrated...
Manufacturer : Shimadzu Model : TOC-L Features Total organic carbon quantitative analysis 1 ppm limit of...
Manufacturer: Aqualab Model: 4TE Features Measuring water activity in samples formulated for extending shelf-life
Manufacturer: Malvern Instruments Model: Nano-ZS ZEN 3600 Features Molecules and particles characterisation : - zeta potential by...