Developping new products
Creating a new line of green, bio-based, and healthy products.
Diversify your products.
As an impartial body, CNETE can offer objective support with technology validation and product approvals required for certification.
Creating a new line of green, bio-based, and healthy products.
Diversify your products.
Development and optimization of production processes: fermentation, extraction, concentration, and purification of your product, scale-up, dosage, and formulation. On-site assistance from laboratory scale to industrial scale.
Optimize your yields and reduce your production costs.
Waste water and gaseous pollutant treatment.
Turn your losses into profits: recovery of residue and solid, liquid, or gaseous discharge: brewers’ grains, waxed cardboard, post-consumption paints, batteries, gypsum, whey, sludge, culled fruit and vegetables. Using residue to produce high added value products (for example, syrup and natural health products).
Replace chemicals with bio-based products!
Use your industrial production process or organic matter to produce energy.
Reduce production stages and optimize your energy efficiency.
Support for certification for the purpose of conformity or labelling:
Putting in place quality control processes
Improve your social acceptability: colour removal from discharge water and odour control.
Reduce your carbon footprint and improve your corporate image.